Show has begun…

Show has begun…

Within a week we start a harvest time of our gigs!!! After some long time we will play at our neighbours, in Slovakia. Company of our friends, ČAD and ACID FORCE guarantee really hell shows and we are looking forward to do those shows!!! The others planned shows under...
2017 is slowly ending

2017 is slowly ending

So year 2017 is slowly ending and even it can looks like there is no move, the MALIGNANT TUMOUR is not stagnating!!! We are locked in our rehearsal room and drilling new playlist and also some new tunes for two upcoming split releases with our friends we wont name...
Fans of old MT can make it too!

Fans of old MT can make it too!

After quite succesful show at OEF aftreparty 2017 and after many great but unexpected responses we have got the offer to make some shows in that particular 20 years old line up and bring back for once again our old grindcore songs. The result of this agreement between...
Go shopping

Go shopping

New girlies, shoes or winter caps… all you can wish for christmas from us to you!!! Buy or die!